Will You Retain Fat Eating 1200 Calories a Day?

I have a question for you.

If you are eating within a calorie deficit.

Will your body retain fat if you eat less than 1200 calories a day?

I will let you have a think about that for a moment…

And once you have had a think.

Drop a comment below to tell me your answer.

In the meantime.

I am going to tell you what today’s blog post is about.

Today’s post is me again highlighting the issue that we have surrounding misinformation on social media regarding health and weight loss nutrition.

And quite frankly.

How bad some of the information being given out is.

The other day I was told about a post that had somebody on it asking why they could not seem to lose any weight.

I will not name this page.

But let’s just say that it was not a personal page.

And the page that this was written on was a page to help people to lose weight.

The response given to the person asking why they could not seem to lose any weight was…

“If you eat less than 1200 calories a day, your body retains the fat”

Now, I do not know what qualification that this person had to be giving out any form of health or weight loss advice.

But this particular piece of advice that they were giving was nothing short of absolute rubbish.

And this is what drives me insane.

Somebody who is lost, confused and frustrated at their lack of weight loss.

Getting TERRIBLE and CONFUSING advice like this.

And it is just not good enough.

It is not a crime to not know anything about nutrition.

But it should be made one to give out terrible information to people who are reaching out for help.

Yet in return, are getting nothing but misinformation and complete pseudoscience.

We really do need fewer “Google Nutritionists” in the world.

They helping absolutely nobody!

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