Are You Trying To Out-Exercise Your Poor Relationship With Food?

Out-exercising a bad diet is something that I see a lot of people trying to do.

I have seen it many times.

People who are trying to lose weight by going to the gym five, maybe six times a week.

But when it comes to weight loss?


No change at all.

We live in a world where we are led to believe that if we hit the gym a few times a week then it is going to incinerate our body fat.

And that is just not the case.

Don’t get me wrong.

Exercise is hugely important to your health, fitness, and wellbeing.

And it is a fantastic aid for weight loss.

But without having your nutrition in order and control of your energy balance.

Then you are just fighting a losing battle when it comes to weight loss.

And I hate to see it.

People “punish” themselves with exercise because they have had a takeaway.

People “punish” themselves with exercise for having a drink with a friend at a weekend.

It is awful to see and it creates such a negative relationship with food for people.

You just look at the gyms on a Monday.

They are absolutely rammed with people who are trying to lose weight by trying to out-exercise their “bad” diet.

And it shouldn’t be like that.

Exercise should be there to be enjoyed and not to be used as a punishment.

I hate to see that.

It just creates such a negative mindset around food.

Is this you?

Do you try to out-exercise your diet?

If it is then drop me a DM or hit the link below.

And let me teach you how to manage your weight loss properly.

By educating you.

Guiding you.

And by giving you the real knowledge that you need to succeed.

Remember, you should not have to flog yourself half to death in a gym to achieve your weight loss goal.

Weight loss comes from managing your nutrition correctly.

And by creating yourself new and sustainable habits surrounding food 🙂

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