Thoughts for the week ahead!

Last Saturday.

I signed off for the week by giving you some of my thoughts from the previous days.

And this week.

I am going to do exactly the same.

But today.

I am going to give you some of my thoughts to think about for the week ahead.

Here goes…

🚫 There are some people out there who do not want you to win in life

✅ Limit your contact with these people and surround yourself with positive people only

🚫 Some people out there may not like seeing you succeed with your weight loss journey

✅ Because it makes them feel insecure about themselves… do it anyway, this is about YOU.

🚫 Some people out there may tell you that you are stupid for having dreams

✅ Do not listen to them, that is a closed mindset, and everything is out there to achieve for everybody

Sometimes people never move forwards with life because of what others think.

They confine themselves to a small box.

They just conform to what they THINK they should be doing.

And that is just going along with life and being content with what they have.

When that is the LAST thing that you should be doing in life.

I am currently working with people who want to break the mould.

Who want to feel better about themselves.

And who want to love what they see staring back at them in the mirror.

That is a growth mindset.

And that is something that I encourage every single one of my clients to have.

Because every goal is achievable.

And every goal is there to be smashed.

I love working with people who want to better themselves.

And I love working with people who want to be the very best that they can be.

It is something that makes me wake up in the morning with a burning desire to get the best out of my clients.

And a burning desire to change their lives for the better 🏆

Bring on the week ahead…

#Mindset #Progress #StandingOut #Focus #FocusedMindset #Building #Winning #ChangingLives #WeightLossSuccess #FatLossGoals #GoalSetting #FatLossNutrition #HealthNutrition #Derby #Online #ONADL #PHFitness #PHFNutrition


