The Best Diet For Weight Loss…

The other day, I ran another question box on my Instagram story.

And yet again, I got some great questions being asked.

One question in particular that I got which I thought would be worth talking about was one that I got asked about what the “best” diet for weight loss was.

It is a common question that I get asked a lot.

And one that probably comes from people seeing a million fad diets being advertised all over the internet and television.

You are never far away from hearing some “expert” telling you that they have found a new “system” or new way to lose weight that is going to revolutionise your life.

Or somebody on social media claiming that they have a new plan that sheds pounds of fat from your body.

There are a couple of issues here for me.

Firstly, most of these people pushing these crazy diets have no education in what they are promoting or selling, which is a massive worry to me.

And secondly, anybody telling you that they have the “best” weight loss diet should throw up a big massive red flag to you.

Because there is no such thing as a “best diet” for weight loss.

They just do not exist.

And if they did.

You would know about it because I would be using it with my weight loss clients.

The truth of the matter is.

There is no “best” diet for weight loss.

And anybody telling you any different is either lacking in serious nutrition knowledge.

Or trying to make some money out of your pain.

So do not fall for it.

The best diet out there is the one that works for you and your lifestyle.

And one that you can maintain in the longterm without the feeling of restriction.

If you are stuck and need help to find that.

And you want to accelerate your weight loss journey.

Then hit the link below, and let’s talk 🙂

#WeightLoss #Nutritionist #Online #Derby #ONADL #PHFitness
