Rest and Refocus…

Aaaand chill…

After a crazy 2021.

With lots of changes.

And the challenges of the pandemic still hitting from all angles.

Getting the chance to spend the next few days in the forest is just what the doctor had ordered for me.

I spoke the other week about how I always push for my clients to take time out.

And to recharge their batteries at every opportunity that they get.

I also have to follow that advice myself from time to time.

Because I also cannot pour from an empty cup.

And we all need time to power down and take stock.

For me, not only are these next few days going to be spent relaxing and winding down.

They are also going to be spent planning my 2022.

How I am personally going to keep moving forwards with my own personal growth.

And also how I am going to plot the path of all of my clients in 2022.

To get them to where they want to be.

And to make sure that the service and coaching that I provide for them in 2022.

Remains to be of the very highest level.

And to the standard that I, my team, and my clients, have come to expect from us here at PHF.

I am excited about my downtime here in the forest.

But I am even more excited about what 2022 holds for me.

For the PHF business.

And more importantly.

For my PHF clients.

We all have an absolutely massive 2022 ahead.

And I cannot wait for it to begin 🔥


