

Something that I believe in life, we should all aim for.

Progression comes in many different forms.

And in many different ways.

What seems like small progress for some.

May seem like big progress to others.

And that is ok.

Different people move at different paces.

And that is ok too.

The key thing here is that you are actually moving forwards.

In any way that you can.

Here is the deal.

I have clients who I have worked with, currently and in the past, who have lost well over 20lbs of fat.

And who have completely transformed their body shape and subsequent mindset to go with it.

For others, it has taken a little longer.

Because we are all different.

And we all have different life commitments.

That is also ok too.

As a coach, I understand that I work with real people.

Who have very real lives.

Who have very real daily struggles.

And it is not always straight forwards for them.

But in the end.

We always get to the destination.

Little by little.

Bit by bit.

And we always make progress.

Some journeys just may take a little longer than others 🙂

