Never Giving Up…

I am currently writing this blog after a very busy couple of weeks here at PHF HQ.

A couple of weeks that has seen many things happen behind the scenes here of the business.

As well as lots happening at the front and center of it too.

I have had so many huge wins over the last two weeks.

One of my current clients said that they felt like they did not have to hide away from the world due to their recent fat loss.

Another recently said how amazing and supportive my weekly client check-in process with them is.

As well as meeting two of my biggest idols in Nigel Benn and Chris Eubank!

I did not think that the last two weeks could get much better.

But they did.

Now, I am not going to go into too much detail here.

Because I am huge on client confidentiality.

But I think it is a point that is worth sharing with you today.

For anything in life.

But especially if you are currently on a health and fat loss journey.

And the key take-home that I want you to go away with today is this.

No matter how tough you find a health and fat loss journey.

No matter how bad the place is that you feel that you are currently in physically or mentally.

Never EVER give up on yourself.

My end to last week finished with a huge conversation with a client of mine.

One who does not always find this process easy.

One that has a very real life.

And one that has a very real journey ahead of them.

They could have easily given up after a tough few months.

But they didn’t.

They bit down on their gumshield.

Spoke to me in-depth about a new changed plan moving forwards.

And they have got their head down with it.

In a nutshell.

They know that they are worth so much more than giving up on themselves.

And I know that this person is not only doing it for themselves.

But also doing it for their family too.

And for me.

That is powerful stuff right there.

I am super proud of this person.

I will never give up on them.

And I am excited for the journey that lies ahead.


