Know Your Worth…

I had a conversation with one of my current clients yesterday.

And even though this blog is not about them.

It certainly got me thinking about how so many people align their own self-worth with the number that they see on the scales.

Getting on a set of scales can be, single-handedly, the most soul-destroying thing to do when you are on a weight loss journey.

I actually stop my clients from regularly using scales as it can just play havoc with their mindset.

And jumping on them every two minutes is not something that they should be concerning themselves within the short-term anyway.

It would be like a mental torture for them and potentially hugely damaging to their mindset.

This brings me nicely to the point of today’s post.

Aligning your self-worth with the numbers that you see on the scale is not what you should be doing.

It is just a number.

It has no reflection on who you are.

And it has no reflection on what kind of a person that you are.

Instead of beating ourselves up about numbers on scales.

Which can fluctuate greatly depending on many variables.

We should be focusing on the daily habits that will lead us to our weight loss goals.

The strategies that we are going to implement.

And how we are going to navigate our long-term goals.

And jumping on the scales constantly is not going to help any of that.

In fact.

It is just a first-class ticket to having a poor body image and a poor view of your self-worth.

And you are so much better than that, and you are worth so much more 🙂

#SelfWorth #YouAreMoreThanTheNumbersOnAScale
