“Just went to the next hole on my belt”

When it comes to fat loss.

Sometimes the scales can be a very poor short-term metric to judge your progress by.

I work with my weight loss clients in a way that I get them to concentrate on the process of fat loss first.

✅ Building the underpinning values of nutrition

✅ Building habits

✅ Building consistency

Without stressing about jumping on the scales every two minutes.

Which a lot of the time can lead to a really poor mindset around losing weight.

Yes, I do use scales.

And scale weight with my clients.

At set points of their fat loss journeys.

But the key for me when it comes to weight loss.

Is that my clients start to feel their bodies changing.

That they start to see physical changes in the mirror.

And most importantly.

That they feel amazing about themselves in general!

This is why this latest piece of feedback from one of my clients made me super happy today.

This client is following my guidance.

Trusting in my education.

And is starting to see AND feel the changes with their body.

Which is one of the most empowering feelings in the world.

I cannot wait to get this client even more fat loss along our journey together.

I cannot wait to help build their body confidence even further.

And I cannot wait for them to have a body that they are happy with again.

Believe me.

I will not give up until this happens 😉👌🏻

