I’ve Lost Just Over 10 kilos.

For most of the week, over on social media


I have been talking about the doors opening for the latest intake of The PHF Programme.


I have been telling you why I think it is so good.


And how I think that it will get you the best weight loss results that you could personally achieve.


So, today,


Let me share some weight loss client feedback with you.


From a person who has absolutely nailed the programme.


And from a person who has now completely changed their shape.


Body confidence.


And life!


Just over 10kgs of weight loss!


Absolutely unreal.


And I could not be more proud of this person.


Was this process straightforward for them?


I would be lying if I said that it was.


Was this process completed in 2 weeks?


Again, I would be lying if I said that it was.




This client stayed consistent.


They followed my coaching.


Used my support.


And they absorbed all of my education resources within my programme.


And the results?


Well, just check out today’s feedback 🙂
