“I’m not far off needing new trousers”



It looks like I have yet another bill incoming from one of my weight loss clients.


I hope that they do not like expensive jeans 🤪


But it is cool…


I am happy to take the blame for this one.


Which is a good job really.


Because that is EXACTLY where they are laying the blame! 


On a serious note though.


A huge win for one of my fat loss clients who is now on the verge of getting a smaller size in jeans.


Due to their recent weight loss progress on The PHF Programme.


Now, Do not get the wrong end of the stick here.


This has not been a walk in the park for this person.


In fact, far from it.


Because this person has one of the most hectic lifestyles that I have ever worked with.


A busy family life.


On top of an intense full time job.


Which requires them to be a superhero on a daily basis.


And I do not mean that they dress up as Mr. Incredible at the weekends for kids parties either.


I am talking about real life superhero stuff.


So seeing this client working through their weight loss journey.


Remaining accountable.


And putting in the work.


Is a joy to see.


And this is yet another client who I am going to make sure that we get amazing results with.


Just you wait and see 🏆 👀
