I Work With Human Beings… Not Robots.

I think that I have lost count of how many times that I have seen this now.

Certainly, the majority of my current client base has had this happen to them in the past.

Before they entered my service.

You know the one.

People offering “nutrition plans”.

And then proceeding to give out the same cookie-cutter meal plan that they give to everybody.

That is absolutely useless to the person who is looking to lose weight.

The problem that we have with these types of cookie-cutter plans is this…

They don’t fit with the person’s current lifestyle.

They don’t fit with the person’s current commitments.

And they sure as hell don’t fit with the person’s tastes.

Chicken and broccoli anyone? 🙄

You are pretty much setting up the person for failure from the start.

It is no wonder that they “fall off the wagon”.

And give up with their weight loss goals after a week’s worth of trying.

When you are working with real people.

Who have real lives.

As a weight loss coach.

You have to do better.

And you have to put the work in to find the best way for that individual.

Giving out a blanket prescription of cookie-cutter meal plans is just not the one.

It can be irresponsible at best.

And dangerous at worst.

Yes, I have seen plans in the past that have told people to exclude salt, sugar, carbs, and minimise water intake.

All at the same time!

Dehydration and rabbit food anyone? 😳

I think you get my point.

Getting people a weight loss result needs to be done safely.

And it needs to be done in a way that works for them.

And this is not done by giving them a cookie-cutter meal plan.

That you have just taken from Google 🥴

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