I Am THAT Person…

My goodness.

Have I really become that person who takes photos of their food?

And then posts it across social media?

It bloody well looks like it doesn’t it?!

Anyway, ignore that.

There is actually a reason for my post today.

Because I always talk about taking some time out.

And “refilling your cup”.

So that you can continue to give your very best to what you do.

And for me yesterday.

This was closing the laptop.

Taking a walk.

And sitting in my own thoughts for an hour in my favorite food place.

After a pretty manic day!

We all have our own ways of relaxing.

And ways of filling our cups back up.

This was mine yesterday.

And it worked a treat.

Sometimes taking time out is all you need.

Just to refresh.

And to reset.

It always works for me.

And it is something that I am hugely hot on my clients doing for their own wellbeing too.

It is just so important.

Oh, and the food?

It was absolutely bang on.

A chicken, bacon, and avocado burger.

With a side of slaw.

And a freshly squeezed orange juice.

Not forgetting the side of sweet potato fries too… obviously 😉

