Does Eating Out Panic You?…

Eating out.

One of the big sticking points that I see with people when they are on a fat loss journey.

The sheer terror in their eyes when they get asked out for a bite to eat.

A drink.

Or a night out on the town.

Really is something that I hate to see.

Because a weight loss journey should not be restrictive.

You absolutely should be able to go out and enjoy your life.

Even more so with the world that we are living in today.

It is super important that we are able to “refill our cups” at every available opportunity.

And that we get that time to let our hair down.

Completely guilt-free.

Now, I am not saying that there does not have to be some level of thought that goes into this.

Because there is.

I would be lying if I said that there wasn’t.

There is a huge element of self-accountability that has to go into it.

But this absolutely can be done.

And without the guilt that I know people feel.

I think sometimes when my clients first begin their fat loss journeys with me that they think that they are going to be placed on a super restrictive dieting process.

And this could not be further from the truth.

Because it just does not work in the long term.

Head back over to my social media tomorrow to see my top 5 tips for managing your calories while eating out.

I think that they will give you some huge value.

And help you to navigate those upcoming festive parties with a little less guilt.

Maybe I could send them to Boris.

I hear that he is bang up for a good old Christmas party around this time of year with his friends🎄🍺👀

But I will leave that one there!

I will see you back here tomorrow.
