“Carbs Are Bad…”

Quite literally.

Exactly how I feel.

After I have read a thread on social media where people are demonising carbohydrates.

And saying that they have to be removed from the diet in order to lose weight.

Because “insulin” and all that 🙄

Completely missing out on the health benefits that they actually have for optimal function of the body.

Unfortunately, we now live in a world where lots of diets have become a religion.

And instead of thinking critically about things.

People just nail their colours to the mast of one specific diet method.

And then refuse to be removed from it.

This then leads to them creating huge biases.

And the inability to even have a conversation about how they may be misinformed about certain aspects of their chosen diet method.

Because Bob the local Google Nutritionist has told them that it works.

And he is absolutely shredded.

So he must be correct, right?

It does not matter that Bob has never read a science paper in his life.

And wouldn’t know what a systematic review was even if someone ran up to him and smashed him clean in the mouth with the science of it.

With the only form of “education” that he gets coming from watching programmes like “The Game Changers”.

(Drop me out Bob, I wasn’t born yesterday pal 🤦🏻‍♂️)

When it comes to dieting for weight loss.

There is no “best” diet method.

Just one that works for you.

So be very careful of anybody who only seemingly has one way to get you a result.

Or that seems to be pushing only a set certain weight-loss method.

Because that is not coaching.

That is jumping on the bandwagon and creating a belief system that is highly likely to be misguided.

Wow, I feel better for that rant.

I need to remind myself not to open the laptop to write blogs before at least 2 coffees in a morning 😬☕️

Have an amazing day.

PS. Carbs are not the devil 😬👍🏻


