Calories In Versus Calories Out…

Calories in versus calories out.

A great place to start when it comes to weight loss.

Regardless of what the pseudoscientific quacks out there love to tell you.

Because ultimately, energy balance is the key to losing fat.

That is just science.

Now, even though this is the case.

And it is a great place to start.

That does not mean that weight loss suddenly becomes easy for the person once they start managing their calories.

Because there are many other factors and elements to the weight loss process that need to be applied too.

And that needs to be managed.

Because we all live real lives.

And we all have real problems.

With no one day being the same.

Another key to weight loss is adherence.

And this is something that I work hard with my weight loss clients on.

It is very rare that every day goes to plan with a weight loss journey.

And as a coach, I have to be there to fix my client’s problems.

On a daily basis.

And it is my job to find and implement the structure and strategies that work.


Not me.

Because every single person has their own life.

And every single person is different.

One size does not fit all.

But that is the daily challenge that I enjoy.

And that is the daily work in the trenches with them that I thrive on.

I love getting weight loss results for clients who thought that it was never possible for them.

And I love changing their lives 🙂

#RealWeightLoss #ForRealPeople





