Building Habits…

Building habits that last a lifetime is absolutely key to any weight loss process.

It may not be a quick process.

But it is a process that absolutely has to be achieved to gain results.

Because we become what we consistently do on a daily basis.

And we can easily slip into a daily routine of sub-optimal habits.

Which ultimately leads us away from the very place that we want to be in.

If we let life’s daily struggles overwhelm us.

I work hard here inside of my online weight loss nutrition consultancy to build habits with my clients.

To build the basic habits of fat loss nutrition.

And to build the basic habits of activity levels (And by that, I do not mean kicking the arse out of the gym all week… most of my online clients do not even own a gym membership!)

It may not seem earth-shattering stuff at the beginning for some.

But it is a super important part of the process to build the foundations that we then build from.

These habits are not easy to build sometimes either.

I work with real people.

Who lead very real lives.

There are ups and downs.

But consistency is the key factor here.

I do not give up on my clients.

And for as long as they want my help.

I will always find a way for them.

Because what is the other option?

Going back to hating what you see in the mirror on a daily basis?

Or even worse.

Gaining even more unwanted body fat that you hate?

No, I didn’t think so.

Because nobody wants to live a miserable life.

Hating what they see in the mirror.

And feeling rubbish.


And with a lack of energy and drive.

Yes, fat loss is about calories.

But there is far more to the journey than just counting calories.

We have to build habits too.

And we have to build sustainable, long-term structures.

It is what I work extremely hard to build with my clients.

And it is why they get so much more from me than just the standard industry fat loss “coaching” 🙂




