A Fresh New Years Day Walk!

I talk to my clients a lot about creating good habits.

Habits that will help to build them the long-term bigger picture of health and weight loss.

I am also a coach who very much practices what he preaches.

You may have been hearing about the PHF 31 Day Challenge over the past few days on my social media.

A challenge that involves chalking up 5k steps per day.

Well, the picture in my blog today is from my chilly evening walk yesterday.

Because I too am taking on the 31 day challenge.

Along with my clients.

And along with the many people who have signed up for it who are outside of my client circle.

Because this challenge is for ANYBODY.

And this challenge can be started immediately.


So if you are looking to kick start your 2021.

And you are looking to make a real change to your health and weight loss this year.

Then there is still time to download your free challenge and begin today.

Just head over to my website at WWW.PHFITNESSDERBY.COM

And let us all start 2021 as we mean to go on 🙂

#PHF31DayChallenge #Start2021TheRightWay



